6 Week Body Makeover - Update
It's been the first week of my Michael Thurmond Makeover experience and I have not seen any process yet. The reason is because I started to stray off the diet already and ended up eating some fatty foods that I shouldn't have eaten.
Here are the highlights of what I did last week.
I went to the gym once and lifted arms and shoulder last Monday. Tuesday I took a break. Wednesday I went for a 2 mile run around the lake. Thursday and Friday I did push ups and sit ups but didn't go to the gym. Saturday was a rest day and Sunday I played 2 1/2 hours of sand volleyball.
Like I said, my food choices were not that good because on Monday I ate nachos and a whole bag of cheese, Friday I had two sandwiches and chips and a lot of alcohol. Thursday I ate a double cheeseburger with fries. The rest of the days I think I ate pretty healthy.
The hard part about my eating habits is that I'm very impulsive, when I feel like I want to eat something fatty, I have no self control and want to eat it.
Anyways, here is what I'm going to try and eat for this week, according to my Michael Thurman meal plan. I'm a body type C and I'm going to customize my own plan because I think that there isn't enough food for me to feel satisfied according to the Fast Track Menu Cards.
Breakfast: 3 egg whites and 2 vegetarian sausage patties
Snack: a piece of chicken
Lunch: Double Boca Burger with salad
Afternoon Snack: can of tuna
Dinner: Salad with chicken
No late night snack for me
I don't really like to eat fruit so I might cut this out of my diet and I plan on eating a lot of salad (spinach) and frozen veggies. When I say "piece of chicken" I mean I bought a whole rotisserie style chicken and I eat 2 oz of it as a snack.
I haven't felt all that hungry these days but I know I need to eat every meal so my metabolism increases.
So far I went running for my exercise and ran about 1.5 miles. Today I'm planning on playing tennis and if I have any energy I plan on going to the gym and lifting light weight.
I will continue to update this blog as I start losing weight. The 6 Week Body Makeover challenge has started and so far I'm losing. haha